Effortlessly build a modern private practice, and put it on the U.S. map in just 14 days. Without the guesswork. And with a sh*t ton more cash-paying clients lining up to be on your schedule.
In 14 days, learn the exact steps to create a private practice that secures 10+ clients a month. A proven process that’s helped many therapists - with zero business experience.
Go from the unfair pay splits, suffocating timelines, forced-scheduled sessions, or on-call weekends…to way higher cash payouts, absolute calendar freedom, location freedom, space for more me-time, and the people in your life.
Join me, a.k.a. The Lazy Therapist, in The Lazy Startup course, where I divulge the winning business and marketing strategies meant for cash-paying clients, business frameworks, workflow shacks, mindset shifts, and step-by-step methodology to grow a modern private practice that fills itself on autopilot.
Steal my proven formula to amplify a brand-new private practice - to a shimmery 6-figure success.

As a therapist with a successful cash-pay, private group practice, and a consulting and modern marketing guru specifically for kickass therapists…
Why spend another week, another month…or ugh, another year in the same spot…
Making $50 (or less) a session or doing that 60/40 split
Seeing 25+ clients a week
Working a 9-5 doing lots of things that AREN’T therapy
Limited time-off
Glued to those “golden handcuffs” - a.k.a. benefits like 401K, health insurance, etc.
Burnt out to a crisp, and not seeing your ideal clients
featured on...

You’re pumped up. Ready to dominate in business. When boom! The tsunami of these gloomy thoughts swallow you whole...
“I hate selling myself. I’d much rather rub jalapeños on my eyes than join this cringe-fest.”
“If I go private, I can’t get medical coverage, fringe benefits, 401k, and employee dinners at Olive Garden.”
“Personal branding? What is that and how do I even do that? Someone throw me a color palette!"
“This is not stable. I get so much anxiety thinking about not getting clients. RENT IS DUE, dog food is due...it's all due."
“It’s too risky. I wouldn’t dare forgo my stable job for the unknown, for less stability..."
“If it’s going to involve building a website, I’m as out as Barbara on Shark Tank.”
“I heard that many therapists are moving out of private practice because it’s too competitive!”
“So many therapists cooler, smarter, and posher than me. I’m nowhere a tenth of that...”
“The market’s overly saturated. No one’s going to come to my practice. They have better options with established reputations.”
“How do I get HIPAA compliance? What if I accidentally violate PHI laws? I don’t want to meet Judge Judy!"
“Insurance paperwork is driving me bonkers! I never had to handle these in my previous job."
“Bookkeeping, taxes, insurance contracts... *sigh* What am I? An accountant expert?”
“Don’t even get me started on this whole digital marketing mumbo jumbo...I don't even know where to start."
“Setting up telehealth systems is quantum physics. And I gotta start from scratch? Bye!”
“How do I set myself apart? I’m just going to look like a knock off version of another successful therapist or counselor.”
“I can’t seem to convey my uniquely vibrant, technicolor self online. But I swear I’m fun IRL!”
Let’s face it, it’s not second nature for us to pull a full-fledged marketing strategy out of our (well, ya know) ...Or successfully convince the world you’re the go-to authority for therapy/counseling. ...Or consistently get clients booking sessions without running yourself ragged. ...Or have everything figured out from the start.
Damn it we’re therapists, not business execs or marketing experts.
Even if you’re eyeballs deep in fear, starting and running a prosperous private practice can be exhilarating, smooth sailing, and therapeutic for your soul. With The Lazy Startup 2.0
Here’s the inside scoop and the juicy nuggets of what you are going to get out of The Lazy Startup…
What’s the number 1 method to getting cash paying clients.
The secret to having a practice that’s going to actually thrive, so you don’t hear crickets.
Top 10 resources so your private practice is on autopilot, running effortlessly in the background.
Surprising ways to get clients that don’t involve blogging, SEO optimization, or handing out flyers.
The top 3 reasons why therapist websites aren’t cutting it.
Everything you need to do to set-up your practice ethically and in the right order - so you aren’t back tracking.
What to do so you never miss paying your business taxes, filing your renewal fees, and completing your business needs.
The exact process for paneling with insurance companies.
How to sustain your business, effortlessly, without missing any yearly deadlines.
No it’s not about word of mouth, networking, and being in the field for 25 years. It’s about 3 things that you’re going to learn very quickly.
Why I don’t chase clients - a.k.a effort at marketing.
How you can have a successful cash pay practice with more than 1 niche (knock knock, you can have a lot more).
How to niche down, easily, and still get lots of other clients coming in the door.
Why modernizing your practice sets you up for success, scaling... and steers you clear of failure.
Why mindset and law of attraction is huge for decision making in your business.
The main reason why private practices fail, and how to NOT do this.
What never to do as you start your private practice.
Easy ways to build a group practice, and what to do to prove you can fill their schedules.
My secret to organizing your business so you feel like you cand do it backward...with your eyes closed.
The Calidac of platforms so your business basically runs itself.
The Lazy Startup 2.0 contains 8 masterclasses and 5 hours of hard-hitting lessons designed to be complete in 14 days. (Plus 4+ hours of bonus content.)
You get lifetime access. However, I want you to start as soon as you’ve made the decision to say YES.
This is a course for deeply committed therapists and counselors who want to ditch that atrocious 9-5, push their limits, barge into a new vocational era...guns blazing, and do something that would shock the eyebrows off their moms.
A transformation is waiting...it’s up to you to seize it.
Modules & Bonuses
Module 1 | Law of Attraction & Mindset
Module 2 | Legalities & Relief Resources
Module 3 | Cash Pay Success!
Module 4 | The Lazy Boy of EHRs
Module 5 | Kick Back & Brand
Module 6 | 20 Minute Prosperous Profiles
Module 7 | Lazy Marketing & Networking
Module 8 | Alternative Session Templates
Bonus 1 | Quick Cash Infusions ($97 Value)
Bonus 2 | Make It Mindless ($397 Value)
Bonus 3 | Video Walkthroughs ($997 Value)
Bonus 4 | Complete your CAQH and Credentialing ($797 Value)
Bonus 5 | The Lazy Consult Method ($997 Value)

The Lazy Startup 2.0
BUY NOW and start your dream private practice!Still not sure? I got you.
Money Back Guarantee
If you are open, putting energy into the program, doing the things, putting your one foot in front of the other...then you got this, and failing will be in your rearview mirror. If after 21 days you aren't satisfied with the course and used it to start your private practice (a.k.a. didn't have a private practice upon purchasing) and have implemented all of the requirements (including a website build, copywriting method, and Google Ads setup) you will get 100% of your money back.